oysters fines de claires label rouge

First seafood with Red Quality Label

" Our will to give to the consumer a complete guarantee of high quality, the getting of the red quality Label is linked to respect by the oyster farmer of regularly controled ; The CERTIPAQ "

Oyster fine de claire Label Rouge must be : 

* Refined in "Claires" during a minimal lenght of 28 days in a 2 kgs specific gravity by m². The shell must be in form round put inside.
* The quality of flesh is aslo appreciated to definite report between the mass of the oyster before the opening and the drained mass. Indication of flesh is understood between 9 and 10.5 .
* Flesh must introduce a green colour characteristics, evidence of his passage in "Claire".
* The saltiness of flesh is an essential quality.
* It must also answer criteria organoleptiques ( state of shell, absense of milk, presence of water, not smell, nice taste ...)
* Sell in wood package carrying mention " Red quality label" with expiry-date + 10 days.
* Available in sale from October. From the presense of the Blue Navicule ( it's the seaweed which, by filtering gives its green colour to the oyster)
